RuPersonal International Dating Agency

Sascha: Ehrgeizig, fleißig, nett, ein bischen verrück....

  • 49 y/o male, Zodiac: Leo
  • Dorsten, Germany
  • German(Fluent), English(Intermediate)
  • Bank Manager
  • 1 child
  • Last online: 23 February 2025
Private details and contact information
Personal details
Sex male
Children 1 child
Want children I will tell you later
Height 6'0" - 6'1" (181-185cm)
Body type Attractive
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Christian
Marital status Separated
Education MA/MS/MBA
Income $50,000-$70,000/year
Smoker No
Drinker Rarely
Details of the person you are looking for
I look for a female
Looking for an age range 18-50
Looking for a height
Looking for a body type
Relationship Activity Partner, Friendship, Marriage, Relationship, Romance, Casual, Travel Partner, Pen Pal
Ehrgeizig, fleißig, nett, ein bischen verrückt, ich liebe Tattoos und Piercings, kinderlieb, tierlieb, ich mache gerne Sport, ich gehe gerne ins Kino, ich liebe Umarmungen, Kuscheln, Küssen und Sex, ich liebe es mit meiner Partnerin eng umschlungen einzuschlafen und Morgens wieder aufzuwachen, ich liebe die Natur, das Meer, die Berge, ich gehe gerne wandern, ich gehe gerne in die Sauna, ich meditiere gerne, ich tanze gerne
Ideal match description:
Eine ideale Partnerin gibt es nicht, da wir alle Individuen mit Ecken, Kanten und Fehlern sind. Das ist auch gut so, denn ansonsten wäre es auch schnell langweilig. 😉
Was mir aber wichtig an einer Frau ist, das ich mit ihr Lachen kann, das sie die körperliche Nähe, Umarmungen, Küsse und Sex genauso liebt wie ich, das man viele Dinge gemeinsam unternimmt, es aber auch nicht schlimm ist, wenn man sich gelegentlich mal mit Freunden trifft.
Sie darf kein Problem damit haben sich mal etwas schmutzig zu machen (zum Beispiel bei der gemeinsamen Gartenarbeit). Ich liebe es, wenn Frauen sich hübsch anziehen, ich liebe Kleider und High-Heels bei einer Frau.
Ich brauche keine Hausfrau oder Putzfrau, das hat mir meine Mutter alles sehr gut beigebracht und ich finde es auch viel schöner, wenn man diese Dinge gemeinsam erledigt, um so schneller hat man wieder mehr Zeit für andere Dinge, zum Beispiel Kuscheln 😛 ! Eine Köchin brauche ich auch nicht, das kann ich auch ganz gut, aber gemeinsames Kochen finde ich sehr toll, wobei ich am liebsten mit meiner Partnerin direkt zum Nachtisch übergehe! 😮ops: 😁 ☠

Dating Banner Exchange

Seven is a quite a special number. It is considered God's number: 7 days in a week, 7 angels in the Apocalypses, seven commandments... you wish! There are ten, all right.

Anyways, here are 7 smooth and clear steps for you to take to enter that sensational honeymoon.

Click here fill in the form, add your photo and you're pretty much done.

Note: the more details you add, the better your chances to get replies. 'Cause every day young Russian Girls from all over Ukraine and Russia will log on to to check and reply to men they like.
You browse the gallery of mouthwatering profiles and choose the women you would like to know better. Then, just write a message to your favorite young Russian girls - you still get to do it for Free.
You received a reply and can't wait to open it. Only at this point you will need to purchase credits ($1-$2 per credit depending on how many you buy). The number of credits needed to open a letter varies (see the Price Structure). Pay with a credit card, a check, wire transfer, and more.

You establish great communication and become good friends - no comments and no extra charge.
You can order an interpreted phone call, which costs 1.8 credits per minute (1 credit, if you don't require translation) and chat your heart out with that cute, young Russian girl. More on FAQ page.

Note: Please, keep in mind that exchanging personal contact info during such phone calls is not allowed.
So, you wrote back and forth, you talked on the phone and you really like that girl... You decide to get her direct contact details. Ok. First and foremost, you need to fill out the IMBRA form (US citizens only). Then, two options. One (recommended) is to open 15 messages from the lady and you have the right to request her contact info (or your money back, if this cannot be provided, which is very unlikely). Another option is to pay a $50 fee, whereupon we will contact your chosen young Russian girl and ask her permission to send you her contact details. Note that this money will not be refunded, if permission is not given, so make sure you have her consent.

Note: Please, keep in mind that even if you do have 15 opened messages from a lady, you cannot exchange personal contact info with her through our messaging system. You need to contact us. More on FAQ page.
Once you have established a relationships with one or a few of these gorgeous, young Russian girls, it's time to meet them personally. So, how do you do that? Since you both are located on different continents, we can help arrange your first meeting, if you both positively agree to that. Most women won't be able to obtain a US visa, so you will have to travel to her country, or meet on a “neutral territory”, like Dominican Republic, France, Turkey, Cyprus, etc. Read more on Visas and Immigration in our FAQ.

Note: If you choose not to use our service to arrange your meeting with the lady, there is a way to bypass it by getting her direct contact information. Read about it here.
Once you have met in person and you both want to take it further, the next step is to apply for her "fiancée" visa. On this type of visa she will be able to come to your country and stay for a time (for US it's 90 days). If you get married during this time, that young Russian girl is yours to stay indefinitely. If you don't get married, she will have to return to her home country. Read 'What is the process and how much it costs to bring your sweet, young Russian girl here' on FAQ page.

Congratulations! You've Arrived. Live Happily Ever After!

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